The Internet store, located at (ketoprobiotic-it.nutragoods.org) hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", publishes a Public Offer on the sale of Goods by remote means.


1.1. «The Public Offer» (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") – the seller’s public offer to enter into a purchase-and-sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the «Agreement») under existing conditions contained in this Agreement and incorporated addenda addressed to an indefinite circle of persons.

1.2. "Online Store" is the website of the Seller, designed to conclude agreements of public offer (contracts of retail purchase and sale) via the Internet (eliminating the possibility of a direct examination of the Goods by the Buyer i.e. distance selling) between the Seller and the Buyer on the basis of the Buyer's acquaintance with the offers made by the Seller, photographic images of the Goods, and descriptions provided by the Seller.

1.3. «Order» – the Seller’s Website section filled in by the Buyer in compliance with the requirements specified by the present Terms in order to purchase the Product chosen by the Buyer on the site or through the Operator.

1.4. «Goods» - are products offered for sale on the Seller's website.

1.5. «Buyer» – is a customer who places an order at the Internet store on Public Offer Agreement for personal, family, home or other noncommercial needs only.


2.1. The Offer is deemed to be accepted when the Client makes an Order for a Product in accordance with the conditions of the Offer and sends it to the Seller.

2.2. The order by the Buyer of the Goods placed on the website of the online store means that the Buyer agrees with all the terms of this Offer.

2.3. The Seller has the right to make changes to the Offer without notifying the Buyer.

2.4. The period of validity of the Offer is not limited, unless otherwise specified on the website of the Internet store.

2.5. The Seller provides the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the Goods, including information on the main consumer properties of the Goods, the place of manufacture of the Goods on the Internet shop site.


3.1. The price for each Product is listed on the website of the online store.

3.2. The price of the goods presented on the website may be changed by the Seller at any time with any reason.

3.3. The price of the already ordered goods by the Buyer can not be changed.

3.4. The cost of delivery is not included in the price of the Goods. The seller specifies the cost of delivery of the Goods on the website of the Internet store or informs the Buyer when ordering by the Operator. The Seller has the right to change the cost of delivery of the Goods upon execution of the order by the Operator.


4.1. The order is carried out by the Buyer through the Operator by phone or through the service of the online store.

4.2. When placing an order, the Buyer shall indicate the surname, first name, the Product delivery address, the Buyers’ contact phone number and email address. This information is entered in the registration form posted on the website of the online store or notified to the Operator.

4.3. By providing your personal information to the Seller, the Buyer agrees to their processing as with the use of automation and without the use of automation, in particular the collection, storage, transfer (including cross-border transfer) to third parties and use of information by the Seller in order to fulfill obligations to Buyer in accordance with this Agreement. The Buyer agrees to incoming calls from the Seller's operators informing about the availability of goods, instruction on the application, prices, and promotional offers.

4.4. To confirm the Order, the Seller shall make a phone call to the contact phone number provided by the Buyer.

4.5. If the Seller needs additional information, he has the right to request it from the Buyer.

4.6. Giving personal details referred to in paragraph 4.2. in the registration form on the website or to the Operator implies full and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement by the Purchaser.

4.7. The Buyer can be a person over the age of 18 and have sufficient money to cover the cost of the goods.

4.8. Buyer is responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the provided information during the ordering process.


5.1. Delivery is carried out worldwide by any available method noticed on the website.

5.2. The time of shipment may vary depending on the availability of the Goods and taking into account any delays related to postal delays or force majeure circumstances for which the Seller is not liable.

5.3. The Buyer pays the goods in cash to the courier upon delivery.

5.4. Seller is not responsible for the payment of taxes and other fees of a country of the Recipient. All taxes and fees related to the purchase and their delivery to the Buyer must be paid by the Buyer.

5.5. The place of delivery is indicated by the Buyer when placing an Order on the website or when ordering through the Operator.

5.6. In the event of an incorrectly specified price of the goods ordered by the Buyer the Seller contacts the Buyer as soon as possible to inform the Buyer and confirm the Order with the corrected price or cancelling the Order. If it is unable to contact the Buyer, the Order is canceled.

5.7. The goods are delivered to the Buyer at prices, name, quantity and assortment corresponding to the Buyer's Order on the day the Order is made. The packaging, appearance and composition of the product could be slightly different from the illustrations on the site.


6.1. When receiving the goods Buyer should check its appearance and packaging, the number of items in the order, completeness, assortment. When the courier delivery the goods, the Buyer puts his signature on the receipt of delivery, in the column with the words: "Order received, completeness complete, the delivery of services are provided, and there are no claims to the appearance of the goods."

6.2. The Buyer is entitled to refuse the ordered Goods at any time before the execution of the Order.

6.3. Buyer can return the product of improper quality to the Seller and to demand return of the paid amount within 14 days after the purchase if the product was not in use and has retained its original appearance. The application for refund must be specified what kind of defect includes the returned goods. The difference of qualities such as shape and color of the goods from those stated in the description on the website is not a malfunction or dysfunction of the goods.

To return the goods Buyer must present:

6.4. Requirements for the returns are to be satisfied within 10 days of receipt of the goods by the Seller from the Buyer in case of compliance of the returned goods to their presentation and quality.

6.5. The Buyer shall compensate the Seller with the necessary transportation costs incurred in connection with the organization of the exchange or return of the Goods.

6.6. The buyer is not entitled to cancel the paid Order (or part thereof) of good quality, having individual characteristics.


7.1. Тhe Seller is not responsible for the consequences arising providing false or inaccurate information, including when such information has led to a late delivery of Products.

7.2. The Seller is not responsible for the inability of customer service for any reasons beyond his control, including the disruption of communication lines, equipment failure, failure to fulfill obligations of suppliers of certain services, and so forth.

7.3. Тhe Seller is not responsible for damage caused by the Buyer as a result of improper use of Products ordered on the Site.

7.4. Without prejudice to the above, the Seller shall be released from liability for breach of the Treaty of the offer, unless the violation is caused by the action of force majeure (force majeure), including actions of the authorities, natural disasters, fire, flood, earthquake, lack of electricity, failures in a computer network, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, without limitation, may affect the performance of contract by the seller of the offer.

7.5. The Seller is not responsible if the Buyer's expectations about the consumer properties of the Goods are not justified. The effect of using certain types of Goods may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and depends on the duration of use of the Goods (the best result is achieved with regular and long-term use of the Goods).

Carefully read the text of this Offer, and if you do not agree with any paragraphs of the Offer, you are entitled to refuse to purchase the Goods provided by the Seller and not to perform the actions specified in paragraph 2.1. of this Offer.